Inclusive Veganism: Addressing Socioeconomic and Cultural Barriers

Inclusive Veganism: Addressing Socioeconomic and Cultural Barriers

Veganism is a philosophy and way of living that seeks to exclude, as much and as practicable as possible, all forms of exploitation of and cruelty to animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose. It also promotes developing and using animal-free alternatives to benefit animals, humans, and the environment. 

However, veganism is often perceived as a “white thing”, a lifestyle for the affluent, or a form of elitism. This perception can create barriers for people who belong to different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds and who may face challenges in accessing, adopting, or maintaining a vegan lifestyle. This article will explore some of these barriers and how they can be overcome by making veganism more inclusive, diverse, and accessible for everyone.

Socioeconomic Barriers

One of the main socioeconomic barriers to veganism is the cost and availability of vegan food. Many live where fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and other plant-based foods are scarce, expensive, or of poor quality. These areas are known as “food deserts”, and they can affect both urban and rural populations, especially those who are low-income, marginalised, or discriminated against.

Veganism - Strawberries

In contrast, animal products, such as meat, eggs, and dairy, are often subsidised, cheap, and widely available, making them more appealing and convenient for people who struggle to afford healthy food.

Another socioeconomic barrier is that many people are not aware of the ethical, environmental, and health benefits of veganism, or they have misconceptions or stereotypes about what it means to be vegan. For example, some people may think that veganism is unhealthy, unnatural, or extreme or that vegans are judgmental, radical, or privileged. 

These negative attitudes can deter people from learning more about veganism or from trying it themselves. Moreover, some people need access to reliable sources of information, such as books, websites, documentaries, or social media, that can provide them with accurate and relevant facts and guidance about veganism.

However that information is not readily available to all, and it can be hard to find reliable sources, especially if one doesn’t know what to look for. It’s important to highlight that despite living in the information age, not all data and perspectives are readily accessible. 

This can be particularly true in the case of veganism, where a lack of accessible and comprehensible information can pose a barrier for those considering adopting this lifestyle. This scarcity of information could serve as an additional reason why some individuals have not embraced veganism.

Additionally, it’s crucial to discuss the lobbying efforts of the meat and dairy industries against veganism. A study from Stanford University reveals how these industries have influenced government regulations and funding to stifle competition from alternative meat products with smaller climate and environmental impacts. 

In the US, major meat and dairy companies have actively lobbied against environmental issues and regulations, with about 800 times more public funding and 190 times more lobbying money going to animal-source food products than alternatives. This lobbying has created significant hurdles for the growth and acceptance of veganism.

Cultural Barriers

Another set of barriers to veganism is cultural. Culture can influence how people perceive and relate to food, animals, and the environment, shaping their values, beliefs, and traditions. For some people, eating animal products is an integral part of their cultural identity, heritage, or religion, and they may feel reluctant or resistant to give up something meaningful and familiar to them. 

For example, some people may have strong emotional attachments to certain dishes, rituals, or celebrations that involve animal products, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Eid, or Diwali. Others may face social pressure or stigma from their family, friends, or community, who may not understand or accept their choice to be vegan or who may perceive it as a threat or a rejection of their culture.

Veganism - Pumpkins

Additionally, culture can affect how people access and enjoy vegan food. Many vegan products, such as tofu, tempeh, and seitan or plant-based milk, cheeses, and meats, are derived from or influenced by Asian cuisines, especially Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and Thai. 

These products may need to be more familiar, appealing, or affordable for people from different cultural backgrounds or with other taste preferences. Additionally, some vegan products may contain ingredients unsuitable or unacceptable for people following specific religious or dietary restrictions, such as halal, kosher, or gluten-free.

How To Make Veganism More Inclusive

Despite these barriers, veganism is not exclusive to any group of people, and it can be adapted and embraced by anyone who wishes to do so. There are many ways to make veganism more inclusive, diverse, and accessible for everyone. This can be things such as:

– Supporting local and community-based initiatives that provide affordable, nutritious, culturally appropriate vegan food to people in food deserts or low-income areas. Such initiatives include food banks, co-ops, gardens, markets, and delivery services.

– Educating and informing people about the benefits and challenges of veganism, using clear, accurate, and respectful language, and avoiding judgment, guilt, or shame. Education and information sources include books, websites, documentaries, podcasts, and social media platforms.

– Celebrating and showcasing the diversity and richness of vegan cultures, cuisines, and traditions, acknowledging the contributions and experiences of people of colour, indigenous people, and other marginalised groups in the vegan movement. Such celebration and showcase platforms include festivals, events, blogs, magazines, and cookbooks.

– Respecting and accommodating each person’s needs, preferences, and circumstances, offering them support, guidance, and flexibility in their vegan journey. Support and accommodation methods include mentoring, coaching, counselling, or online groups.

The following resources provide a comprehensive exploration into the world of veganism, from its health benefits to its environmental impact. They offer a deep dive into the subject, shedding light on the often overlooked aspects of animal agriculture and the meat and dairy industries. 

Whether you’re an athlete, an environmentalist, or someone interested in improving your health, these resources offer valuable insights and practical advice to help you navigate your journey towards a plant-based lifestyle. Let’s delve into each one.

  • The Game Changers: A documentary that showcases the benefits of a plant-based diet for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, featuring interviews with experts and celebrities.
  • Forks Over Knives: A documentary that explores the connection between animal-based foods and chronic diseases and how a whole-food, plant-based diet can prevent and reverse them.
  • Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret: A documentary that exposes the environmental impact of animal agriculture and the conspiracy of silence among ecological organisations.
  • Dominion: A documentary that reveals the hidden truth behind the exploitation and abuse of animals in various industries using drones and hidden cameras.
  • Eating Animals is a book by Jonathan Safran Foer that investigates the moral, environmental, and health implications of eating animals and the alternatives that exist.
  • How Not to Die: A book by Dr. Michael Greger that summarises the scientific evidence on preventing and treating the leading causes of death with nutrition and lifestyle changes.
  • Veganuary: A website that offers a free 31-day challenge to try veganism, with recipes, tips, and support.

Veganism is a philosophy and way of living that can benefit animals, humans, and the environment, but it can also face barriers from socioeconomic and cultural factors. These barriers can make veganism seem inaccessible, unappealing, or irrelevant to some people, and they can prevent them from adopting or maintaining a vegan lifestyle. 

However, by making veganism more inclusive, diverse, and accessible for everyone, providing affordable and available vegan food, educating and informing people about veganism, celebrating and showcasing vegan cultures, and respecting and accommodating individual needs, veganism can become more attractive and attainable for anyone who wants to live a more compassionate and sustainable life.
